Journal of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD)
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Journal of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD)</strong> is established to bring the forefront new lenses in theory and practice within the field of community development activities related to the achievement of sustainable development goals of The United Nations. This journal covers a wide range of topics, reviewing significant developments and providing a forum for cutting-edge debates about theory and practice. The Journal provides a forum for social scientists and practitioners to share experiences and ideas and debate on current issues and controversies in enabling communities to prosper. It adopts a broad definition of community development to include policy, planning and action as they impact on the life of communities. We particularly seek to publish articles which theorize, discuss, and report issues of community development in enhancing social justice, diversity and environmental sustainability.</p>Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMIen-USJournal of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD)2715-5080Quo Vadis of Sustainable Development of The Energy Sector in Indonesia
<p>Sustainable development in the energy sector is a necessity, because the need for energy remains constant if not increasing due to population growth. This phenomenon also applies to Indonesia, which unfortunately has not yet properly implemented the concept of sustainable development in the energy sector. This research finds the urgency is because Indonesia does not yet have a clear direction in sustainable development in the energy sector. Using normative research methods with an evaluative approach, this research discovered the fact that the direction of sustainable development in the energy sector in Indonesia does not yet have a legal basis that regulates it comprehensively. Apart from that, population planning factors and providing energy subsidies are an integral part that cannot be separated in order to achieve successful implementation of sustainable development in the energy sector.</p>Chaidir - AliDedek - Irvansyah
2024-05-312024-05-31611910.32924/jscd.v6i1.105Peranan Komunitas Angklung Selaras Barokah Sesama (SBS) dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Hidup Generasi Lanjut Usia
<p>Roda kehidupan terus berputar terjadi dalam kehidupan setiap insan manusia. Setiap tahun akan semakin bertambah usia seorang individu dan menjadi tua adalah suatu hal kekuatiran atas motivasi hidup menjadi menurun. Hal ini tidak akan terjadi jika terdapat konsep diri yang baik dengan persiapan matang menuju masa usia lanjut (Lansia) yang tetap dapat dijalani dengan bahagia dengan mengisi hidup dengan aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan. Senang Barokah Sesama (SBS) Angklung adalah suatu organisasi yang berkomitmen untuk memelihara dan mengembangkan seni musik asli Indonesia, yaitu Angklung. Organisasi SBS Angklung dalam melakukan kegiatan berfokus pada keseimbangan antara menyalurkan hobi musik, berbagi kebaikan kepada sesama terutama menghibur dan menumbuhkan motivasi bagi para individu maupun kelompok usia lansia dan juga para penyandang cacat mental agar tetap selalu ceria dan semangat dalam mengisi hidup mereka dengan semangat sosial yang tinggi. Untuk tetap menjaga keberlangsungan dan keberadaan komunitas ini tetap berlangsung lama dan dapat dijadikan inspirasi untuk contoh kegiatan yang memberikan dampak positif bagi individu dan masyarakat sekitar dilakukan suatu penelitian dengan menggunakan analisa kualitatif deskripsi yang memadukan metode wawancara, observasi dan pengumpulan dokumentasi pada setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh komunitas SBS Angklung ini. Peserta SBS Angklung yang mayoritas terdiri dari para Ibu dan Bapak berusia lansia yang diketuai oleh Prof. Dr. Wiwiek Mardawiyah Daryanto, S.E-Ak., M.M., C.M.A , sebagai seorang Guru Besar Akuntansi pada Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI telah mampu membuktikan eksistensinya dengan aktif terlibat dalam kegiatan positif dapat meningkatkan motivasi hidup para anggotanya dan mampu berperan nyata dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup para generasi Lansia.</p> <p> </p>Wiwiek Mardawiyah Daryanto
2024-05-312024-05-3161102110.32924/jscd.v6i1.112Creating Shared Values: A Case Study of Samudera Indonesia and Soedarpo Family
<p>PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk (SMDR) is one of the biggest logistic and shipping companies in Indonesia, it is majority-owned by one of the oldest family businesses, the Soedarpo Family. This research aims to describe the ESGRC activities at SMDR. Based on our interview and study literature, the result shows SMDR has excellently implemented both ESG and GRC. SMDR believes in going beyond its mission of providing quality marine cargo transportation and logistics services, to create shared value for its stakeholders. For SMDR, to be responsible for the business is not only through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, but also to ensure that every business operation conducted has complied with environmental and social regulations.</p>Rizki Dwianda RildoAnastasya ZwespanaAriela OktafiraFathur Bhakti NugrahaGita NarendraAmelia Naim Indrajaya
<p>The use of LEDs in fishing operations has been increasing due to the reduction of fuel consumption and fuel can be replaced by the renewable energy sources, for example solar and seawater energy, which is easy to obtain, cheap, and does not produce waste that harms the environment. The objective of this community development is to test the newly designed smart lamp powered by seawater, and to disseminate the concept of cooperation. The methods used were assistance and coaching in the implementation of the smart lamp and seminars on cooperative concepts. The seawater battery lamp showed stable performance in the voltage range of 2.5 V - 4.5 V within 2 hours of fishing operation. the results of SONAR observations showed that fish began to approach under 10 minutes and gathered at 45 minutes with depths ranging from 1-4 meters. The lamp powered by the fuel oil powered generator is significantly brighter than the lamp powered by saltwater batteries. Some recommendation arises including the necessity for an alternative to zinc as a durable electrode, reduced tool size dimensions, a rust-resistant wire system, fewer cells in one battery unit, brighter lighting, and a more compact tool form design. The catches from both locations are also quite similar, including squid, cuttlefish, crab, and anchovies. The dissemination concept of cooperative social entrepreneurship, were effective shown by the score of intention after the seminar which is increased by 40%. It was recommended to accelerate the establishment of cooperatives to improve the level of living. This community development activities are considered very useful and fishermen in Palabuhan Ratu and Karang antu Serang.</p>Firdaus BasbethSugeng Hari WisudoMohammad ImronMulyono Baskoro
<p>Perikanan cumi-cumi di perairan Kabupaten Kaimana Provinsi Papua Barat, Indonesia, masih belum berkembang, walaupun potensi sumber daya perikanannya sangat besar. Pendapatan nelayan masih rendah dan tingkat kemiskinan masih tinggi. Selain itu, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, penurunan populasi ikan dan cumi-cumi telah menimbulkan kekhawatiran tentang kesehatan ekosistem laut. Makalah ini berfokus pada pelatihan, pendampingan pembuatan dan pemasanagan atraktor cumi-cumi di Kabupaten Kaimana Propinsi Papua di Indonesia. Konsep nilai tambah hasil perikanan dan konsep usaha bersama melaui koperasi juga diperkenalkan pada masyarakat nelayan. Metoda yang digunakan adalah pendampingan pemilihan lokasi, sosialisasi atraktor, pendampingan pembuatan atraktor, pendampingan pemasangan atraktor dan seminar tentang konsep koperasi dan nilai tambah. Efektivitas pelatihan, dan pembuatan atraktor cukup tinggi (70%) dengan indikator keberhasilan yaitu pemahaman konsep dan kemandirian pembuatan alat. Sedangkan efektivitas atraktor itu sendiri setelah dievaluasi adalah 70% (sangat efektif). Ditemukan bahwa penerangan cahaya atraktor memiliki efek negatif pada hasil penempelan telur, sehingga disarankan untuk menambah rumbai-rumbai untuk membuat atraktor menjadi lebih remang-remang. Gagasan lain adalah pembentukan koperasi untuk memperlancar rantai pasok, termasuk penyediaan, kotak pendingin, alat angkut dengan membentuk koperasi modern dengan teknologi untuk membuka akses pada pasar yang lebih luas. Kegiatan PKM ini dinilai sangat bermanfaat dan nelayan di Kabupaten Kaimana sangat mengharapkan program ini dapat dilanjutkan ini secara berkala.</p>Firdaus BasbethSugeng Hari WisudoMulyono BaskoroMohammad Imron
2024-05-312024-05-3161405010.32924/jscd.v6i1.117Bringing To Light The Characteristics And Difficulties Faced By Female Entrepreneurs In The Garment Industry In The Pursuit Of Sustainable Production
<p>The study explored the attributes and challenges faced by Filipino women entrepreneurs in the garment business who have been operating for at least 5 years in select cities in the Philippines. The research aimed to determine the entrepreneurs' attributes, problems and challenges they face, and use the findings to create an entrepreneurial model for business success.</p> <p>The attributes of the women entrepreneurs differed based on factors like age, years in business, marital status, number of children, education level, and whether they dreamed of being an entrepreneur as a child. There were significant differences in their personality traits, goal orientation, appreciation of support networks, and socially responsible attributes when considering these demographic factors.</p> <p>The respondents viewed issues like balancing work/family, risk aversion, negotiation skills, male discrimination, lack of family support and financial constraints as neutral challenges. However, their socially responsible attributes were linked to self/family/social problems, while goal orientation related to marketing/mobility issues.</p> <p>Most respondents considered themselves successful or very successful business owners. The proposed entrepreneurial model emphasizes that successful women entrepreneurs must have: a positive personality, goal orientation, appreciation for networking/teamwork, adherence to ethical practices, responsibility to society/environment, and the ability to balance work/life commitments.</p> <p>The recommendations include strengthening continuing education for entrepreneurs, disseminating information on government support programs, and enhancing gender equality in business lending from banks.</p> <p> </p>Eunice Mareth Querol Areola, PhD HSGMerlin B NatividadMa. Elena C Estebal
2024-06-042024-06-04617110110.32924/jscd.v6i1.108Creating Sustainability Through Talent Management Improvement: PT USAHA DAGANG INDONESIA
<p>This study analyzes the Human Resource (HR) challenges at PT Usaha Dagang Indonesia (, a private company dedicated to promoting Indonesian products globally through a digital export ecosystem. Despite having a clear vision and mission, PT UDI faces significant HR issues, particularly in planning, recruitment, and people development. The company lacks defined values, a comprehensive HR roadmap, and structured job descriptions, resulting in high employee turnover and unclear career paths. Competency development and performance management systems are underdeveloped, leading to subjective performance evaluations and inadequate career development strategies. Interviews with HR personnel and an examination of internal and external factors revealed these issues. Recommendations include transforming HR functions from administrative to strategic, developing a comprehensive HR roadmap, and implementing objective performance management and career development programs. These strategies aim to enhance HR efficiency, retain talent, and align HR practices with the company's vision, mission, and business goals.</p>Amelia Naim IndrajayaDiego Lana SetiawanIrene MarshellaJoannes TariganNurainy Oktaviana
<p>This report assesses the talent management system of XYZLive, a tech startup in Indonesia specializing in video-on-demand and livestream services. The company faces challenges in recruitment, talent retention, and organizational development. Through a comprehensive methodology involving questionnaires, interviews, and direct observation, key issues were identified in inflow, throughflow, and outflow talent management processes. Solutions proposed include defining core competencies, establishing a talent pool, nurturing a coaching culture, and implementing a structured training and development pipeline. The implementation of these strategies aims to enhance recruitment efficiency, reduce employee turnover, and ensure continuous employee growth. Ultimately, the report offers actionable solutions to improve XYZLive's talent management system, fostering sustainable organizational growth and employee satisfaction.</p> <p> </p>M Shahriza Rijaldi PutraBoy HabyeldyIgnatius Ronny YahyaMerny HollisAmelia Naim Indrajaya
2024-06-052024-06-0561517010.32924/jscd.v6i1.114Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of Selected Airline Companies: Inputs for a Sustainable Aviation Service
<p>This paper tries to identify the strategic corporate social responsibility of selected airline companies to ascertain inputs for the creation of a sustainable service delivery, by looking at the implementation level of its corporate social responsibility in the environmental, philanthropic, economic and ethical areas. The study shows that in terms of environmental responsibility, waste segregation has the highest level of practice, while carbon footprint reduction is the lowest. Philanthropic activities participated in by employees is the most frequently practiced among other philanthropic responsibility initiatives, while the provision of scholarship grants is the least practiced. For economic responsibility, the recruitment of diverse talent received the highest mean score indicating it as the most practiced activity, while financial management strategy practices is the most challenged. As far as ethical responsibility is concerned, the practice of honesty is prevalent, while direct stakeholder involvement in planning the manual of ethical operations is almost none.</p> <p>The study also explored whether there was a significant difference in the assessment of CSR strategies between the two groups of respondents. The results indicated that there was a significant difference in the assessments of employees and passengers in terms of environmental, philanthropic, economic, and ethical responsibilities in comparison to management administrators. Moreover, the challenges encountered in the implementation of CSR strategies were identified and ranked, providing insights into the perceived difficulties faced by airline companies in implementing CSR strategies. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations for responding to the challenges of implementing CSR strategies were proposed. These recommendations include additional signage for environmental awareness, ensuring the sustainability of philanthropic activities, crafting financial measures to address constraints, and ensuring sustainable implementation of its manual of operation. The findings and recommendations provides inputs to for a sustainable service delivery and promoting responsible business practices in the airline industry.</p>Eunice Mareth Querol Areola, PhD HSGGomeriano Vallecer Amurao
2024-06-052024-06-05617110110.32924/jscd.v6i1.116Tokio Marine Indonesia: HR CHALLENGES AMID DIGITAL ECONOMIC SHIFT AND GLOBAL PANDEMIC
<p>In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the accelerating digitalization, Tokio Marine Indonesia (TMI) faces significant challenges in aligning its business strategies with its talent management practices. This study examines the current talent management strategies at TMI and evaluates their effectiveness in supporting the company’s sustainability and growth. The analysis identifies a gap between TMI's traditional human resource approaches and the modern talent management practices necessary to thrive in today's dynamic environment. Key issues include the lack of strategic HR alignment, inconsistent training and development programs, and insufficient succession planning. The study proposes a comprehensive talent management framework that emphasizes global HR directives, robust succession plans, and consistent training programs. The framework aims to enhance TMI’s organizational readiness to address digital economic shifts, business disruptions, and global pandemics by fostering an agile and engaged workforce. Implementing these recommendations is expected to align TMI’s talent management with its broader business strategies, ensuring long-term sustainability and competitiveness.</p>Agustinus Uki KurniantoAhmad KhomainiDesy -Dyah Ayu Sekar SariAmelia Naim Indrajaya