Journal of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD). This journal is published by Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI with a strong identity of blending the locally embedded and globally connected wisdom. JSCD is a bi-annual refereed journal concerned with the practice and processes of community development. It provides a forum for academics, practitioners and community representatives to explore issues and reflect on practices relating to the full range of community development activity. This journal is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the publication of high-quality research focused on action research, implementation of community development policy. The journal is an open access journal and accepting all papers on community engagement from Indonesia and overseas countries. The journal will emphasize the implementation of local wisdoms of Indonesia and also the blend with the global goals supporting the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Journal of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD) is inviting all scholars, researchers, and practitioners to submit community engagement papers. We accept research and practices related to all forms of outreach and engagement program. Community engagement and empowerment encompasses all means of services to the society, applying science and technology based on the respective field, conducting capacity development, community participatory program. The journal draws on community engagement supporting sustainability development goals. This includes highlighting innovation of community empowerment, and reporting on participatory research, community-based research, action research, and community services, as well as improving the knowledge and practice in the field of corporate social responsibility as a part of implementing Good Corporate Governance to the stakeholders. We accept papers both in English and Bahasa Indonesia. The journal is a semi-annual journal. November and May.

Journal of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD) is an international open access and peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually in May and  November by Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. Currently, JSCD  volume 4 issue 2 has been published and can be accessed through

All articles in this issue (8 original articles) include Authors from 3 countries of origin (Indonesia and Philippines). In the future, we are hoping for more research study by the academicians from all around the world.

JSCD aimed to provide scientific articles in order to have a significant implication on the world of business management studies. In addition, JSCD’s primary objective is to bridge the gap between theory and practice in business management with a special interest in managerial and practical implication. The journal covers a variety of business management topics and original researchers  and implementation in the following areas such as: Business Economics, Business Ethics, Marketing Management, Finance Management, Operation Management, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness, Sustainable Development, Human Resource Management, Leadership, Organizational Behavior, Change Management, Risk Management, e-Business, International Business, Knowledge Management, Management Accounting, Management Control System, Management Information System, and Supply Chain Management.

Every manuscript contains thorough background, methods, empirical results, managerial implication and latest references from primary sources based on Indonesian context or global issues that have a significant impact on contribution to the development of business management in Indonesia. Furthermore, JSCD is highly relevant for all professionals, managers, directors, consultants, entrepreneurs, business scholars, professors, academic researchers, practitioners and graduate students in the field of business management.  All articles will have a unique DOI number.

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Golrida Karyawati Purba, KIm Sung Suk, Jacquelinda Sandra Sembel


Abstract views: 194 , PDF downloads: 120
Abstract views: 256 , PDF downloads: 127
Abstract views: 177 , PDF downloads: 106
Abstract views: 67 , PDF downloads: 38
Abstract views: 62 , PDF downloads: 33