of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD)2024-12-03T10:38:54+07:00Dr. Ir. Amelia Naim Indrajaya, Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Journal of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD)</strong> is established to bring the forefront new lenses in theory and practice within the field of community development activities related to the achievement of sustainable development goals of The United Nations. This journal covers a wide range of topics, reviewing significant developments and providing a forum for cutting-edge debates about theory and practice. The Journal provides a forum for social scientists and practitioners to share experiences and ideas and debate on current issues and controversies in enabling communities to prosper. It adopts a broad definition of community development to include policy, planning and action as they impact on the life of communities. We particularly seek to publish articles which theorize, discuss, and report issues of community development in enhancing social justice, diversity and environmental sustainability.</p> PKM PELATIHAN DAN PENDAMPINGAN PENGURUSAN SERTIFIKASI HALAL PADA PELAKU UMKM DI DESA TEGAL KABUPATEN BOGOR2024-12-03T10:36:52+07:00Iis<p>Artikel ini membahas program pelatihan dan pendampingan sertifikasi halal bagi pelaku Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) di Desa Tegal, Kecamatan Kemang, Kabupaten Bogor. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman pelaku UMKM tentang pentingnya sertifikasi halal sebagai kunci peningkatan daya saing usaha. Sertifikasi halal tidak hanya memberikan jaminan kehalalan produk bagi konsumen Muslim, tetapi juga membuka peluang bagi UMKM untuk memperluas pasar ke toko-toko besar dan tender pemerintah. Artikel ini menguraikan tiga tahapan pelaksanaan program, yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi, yang melibatkan koordinasi dengan lembaga terkait seperti BPJPH. Hasil program menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman peserta mengenai prosedur pengajuan sertifikasi halal, persyaratan dokumen, serta manfaat strategis yang diperoleh melalui sertifikat halal. Evaluasi program menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan ini memberikan dampak positif bagi pelaku UMKM dalam menavigasi proses sertifikasi dan meningkatkan legalitas serta kredibilitas usaha mereka. Selain itu, artikel ini menyoroti pentingnya sinergi antara pelaku usaha, pemerintah daerah, dan lembaga sertifikasi dalam mempercepat standardisasi halal secara nasional, yang pada gilirannya akan memperkuat daya saing produk lokal di pasar yang lebih luas.</p>2024-12-03T10:36:52+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ON DIGITAL MARKETING FOR SMES IN MEDAL RAHAYU SUBDISTRICT OF AMBIT VILLAGE SUMEDANG-WEST JAVA2024-12-03T10:38:07+07:00Dewi Puspaningtyas<p>The purpose of this social responsibility services to convey the importance of financial management, product and operation management and most of all marketing management and how social media uses for the purpose of digital marketing by utilizing market place and such in the social media. This social responsibility services will assist Small Medium Enterprises (SMES) in resolving problems regarding environment and operation issues in correlation with planning, organizing, packaging and marketing via digital platforms. This social responsibility services are a community services involving 32 universities representatives which carried out their individual duties to perform and lecture best practices to the society in Ambit Village, Subdistrict of Sumedang West Java. These activities were conducted during 22<sup>nd</sup> and 23<sup>rd</sup> of December 2023 involving 150 local business ventures who were more than eager to develop their businesses to the next level. 150 local businesses were involving SMES operate in a variety of home industries, including handicrafts, eco-tourism, and food production. The result of this social responsibility services where participants were very satisfying and felt the insights and needs for such acts to develop skills, knowledge and ability among them. The evaluation revealed an increase in knowledge of digital marketing before and after the distribution.</p>2024-12-03T10:38:07+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## RURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH MOTIVATION, TRAINING, AND HEXAHELIX SYNERGY2024-12-03T10:38:54+07:00Golrida Karyawati Purbagolridda@yahoo.comKIm Sung Sandra<p>This community empowerment program aims to foster rural entrepreneurship using a motivational, training and synergy approach. This program is carried out in Pabuaran village, Gunung Sindur subdistrict, Bogor district, centered in Cikoleang. Motivational approaches are carried out formally and informally throughout the program. Enhancing entrepreneurial competence is carried out by providing training such as marketing, financial management and small business bookkeeping. To evaluate participants' entrepreneurial competence, this program assigns participants to prepare a business plan of interest. The entrepreneurial foster program has effectively increased entrepreneurial competence and synergy among entrepreneurial group members. An entrepreneurial group called Tunas CIkoleang was formed as a result of program implementation. Findings during program implementation conclude the importance of social capital, namely the strength of social relationships in fostering entrepreneurship in rural areas. Synergy is one of the factors that determines the success of community empowerment programs.</p>2024-12-03T10:38:54+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##