Journal of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD) 2023-11-30T14:59:46+07:00 Dr. Ir. Amelia Naim Indrajaya, MBA Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Journal of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD)</strong> is established to bring the forefront new lenses in theory and practice within the field of community development activities related to the achievement of sustainable development goals of The United Nations. This journal covers a wide range of topics, reviewing significant developments and providing a forum for cutting-edge debates about theory and practice. The Journal provides a forum for social scientists and practitioners to share experiences and ideas and debate on current issues and controversies in enabling communities to prosper. It adopts a broad definition of community development to include policy, planning and action as they impact on the life of communities. We particularly seek to publish articles which theorize, discuss, and report issues of community development in enhancing social justice, diversity and environmental sustainability.</p> Assessment of Intramuros Restaurant Services : Basis for Food Tourism as an Attraction of a Heritage Destination 2023-11-30T14:59:45+07:00 Eunice Mareth Querol Areola, PhD HSG Aisha Janinne Q Escabillas, Dr. <p>The tourists’ desire to experience local culture and heritage makes heritage sites an important attraction in destinations. Being considered an inseparable part of cultural and heritage tourism, food is an important aspect that is beneficial for the community’s economic sustainability and the social life of tourists, visitors, and usual diners. This research aimed to determine the assessments of diners on Intramuros restaurants, on the three components of guest experience with the intent of exploring food tourism as a destination attraction to promote this heritage site. It was descriptive-exploratory research using a researcher-made questionnaire to survey the assessment of 75 diner respondents in Intramuros restaurants who were selected through a purposive sampling technique.</p> <p>The findings of the study suggested that the respondents were satisfied with the three components of the guest experience namely: service product, service environment, and service delivery system. The respondents’ satisfaction with restaurant services offered in the destination played a significant role in their revisit and recommendation intentions where the result related a high level of likelihood of revisit and recommendation intentions among diners. Further, it determined that the top three types of food service preferences are casual dining, fine dining, and banchetto (feast). The top recommendation among five indicators in terms of food tourism activities in Intramuros, a cultural heritage site, was to associate cultural shows with the dining experience.</p> 2023-11-29T07:40:45+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Linking Flexible Working Arrangement and Employee Performance in Post-pandemic Era: Mediating Role of Motivation 2023-11-30T14:59:45+07:00 Claudya Caprieta Hutabarat <p>In a world characterized by evolving work paradigms and changing employee expectations, the adoption of flexible working arrangements has gained prominence across various industries including financial services. However there has been limited study exploring the dynamic interplay between flexible working arrangements and employee performance, with a specific focus on the mediating role of motivation. This study aims to unravel how flexible work arrangements influence employee performance, and how motivation serves as a crucial mechanism in this relationship. By examining the connections between these variables, the research seeks to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the modern workplace landscape. The research is a quantitative study, analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) that was conducted using SmartPLS4 and a purposive sampling technique. The data were collected from 113 employees working in financial services companies in Greater Jakarta Area. The results found that FWA have significant effect on employee performance and so does motivation on employee performance. Although, as in mediating role, the findings in this study show that motivation does not mediate the relationship between FWA and employee performance.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords: Flexible Working Arrangement, Employee Performance, Motivation, Financial services industries, Post-pandemic.</p> 2023-11-29T07:42:15+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Assessment of Overall Tourists Experience in Selected Tourism Development Clusters in Northern Philippines 2023-11-30T14:59:46+07:00 Eunice Mareth Querol Areola, PhD HSG Fernando Trinidad, Dr. Julius Flores <p>The study aimed to assess the overall tourists' experience in the selected tourism development clusters in Northern Philippines. The design was descriptive, using the quantitative approach on 200 respondents. The findings of the study were: majority of the respondents were aged between 18 and 27 years old, female, single, employed as staff for 0-5 years, participated in educational tour, and the purpose of travel is to learn; the overall experience of the respondents are enhanced by the theme at TDS and TSs in NP-6, harmony of positive cues, elimination of negative cues, mix memorabilia, and the engagement of all their five senses; there is no significant difference in the overall experience of the respondents based on the five principles of experience design based on Pine and Gilmore (1998); the overall experience by the respondents towards TDS and TSs in NP-6 have entertainment, education, escapism, and aesthetic (Pine and Gilmore 1998) in various levels, because the respondent have not reached the richest experiences that encompasses all aspects of all the four realms of experience that form the “sweet spot” around the area where the spectra meet, It concludes that the overall tourists experience in the selected TDS and TSs in NP-6 are enhanced by the theme, harmony of positive cues, elimination of negative cues, mix memorabilia, and the engagement of all their five senses; however, it has not reached the richest experiences that encompasses all aspects of entertainment, education, escapism, and aesthetic. As such, the study recommends the following: 1. DOT, LGUs, and the tourism stakeholders that covers the TDs and TSs in NP-6 should form an inter-agency group that should regularly evaluate the destination development strategy aimed at supporting the development of tourism destinations and enhancing the overall tourists’ experience; 2) The inter-agency group main task is to monitor changes in tourist behavior in the market and guide the tourism stakeholders in the development of its products that would meet the current needs of the tourists; and 3) 3. LGUs at TDs and TSs in NP-6 should regularly conduct inspection of the tourism stakeholders to ensure compliance of the destination development strategy and that the tourists have a positive experience.</p> 2023-11-29T07:43:33+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Factors Affecting Teachers Retention in a Non-Graded Private Educational Institution: Input to an Enhanced Retention Strategies 2023-11-30T14:59:46+07:00 Eunice Mareth Querol Areola, PhD HSG Pearliza Magkasi Domalaon <p>This study provides an analysis of teacher retention at a non-graded private educational institution in Quezon City, utilizing data from exit survey forms to departing teachers over the last three school years, starting from AY 2020-2021 to 2022-2023. The study focuses on the perceptions of departing employees regarding various factors that could influence teacher retention, grounded in Frederick Herzberg's Hygiene and Motivation factors. These identified factors hold the potential to assist the school in retaining proficient teachers by crafting a comprehensive rewards program, enhancing overall satisfaction levels, and deterring them from seeking employment elsewhere. The research methodology involves a descriptive study employing baseline data and the results of an exit survey instrument completed by seventy-two teachers who left during the past three academic years. The findings indicate that more than half of the turnover was due to voluntary resignations (56%), while (44)% were a result of management-initiated separations. Teachers' decisions to leave were generally driven by the accumulation of a number of factors. Among those who resigned, the primary reasons cited were the pursuit of better opportunities, improved work conditions, and higher compensation. Departing teachers generally expressed satisfaction with both motivation and hygiene factors, underscoring the need to make improvements in areas related to professional growth and development, as well as compensation and benefits. The findings suggest that a teacher's decision to stay is contingent on individual motivation, and the institution may consider designing a tailored retention strategy that integrates these insights into the five components of a total rewards program.</p> 2023-11-29T07:45:02+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Examining Autonomy in Teaching and Job Satisfaction among Learning Facilitators 2023-11-30T14:59:46+07:00 Eunice Mareth Querol Areola, PhD HSG Maria Urduja Concepcion Galang <p>Teaching autonomy has become an important factor in the modern context of an educational institution. Teachers are becoming more and more interactive with students, especially in managing students' educational work. A teacher's teaching style depends greatly on the environment and the decisions they can make independently. Teachers can work without restriction or fear. This study took place at a private Dominican Catholic school in the Philippines. The teachers of this educational institution are called learning facilitators because the school believes in the supporting role of teachers in the teaching and learning process. Learning facilitators can teach in their preferred method if they have enough autonomy to do so. Independence in the classroom can create more opportunities for instructors to teach lessons more expressively. In this way, instructors can enthusiastically carry out educational activities that will make students more satisfied. Student satisfaction in today's society is clearly very important. Their learning strategies are dynamic and dependent on the environment.</p> 2023-11-29T07:47:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Peningkatan Keterampilan Pembuatan Laporan Keuangan untuk Meningkatkan Kesehatan Keuangan Pelaku UMKM Telur Asin Rasa Pedas Pada Komunitas Pembuat Telur Asin di Kecamatan Pontang Kabupaten Serang 2023-11-30T14:59:46+07:00 Iis Solihat <p>Komunitas Pembuat Telur Asin di Kecamatan Pontang Kabupaten Serang merupakan komoditas unggulan di wilayah tersebut. Melimpahnya bahan pokok telur asin dapat memudahkan pelaku komoditas dalam memproduksi dan memenuhi permintaan telur asin. Namun, rendahnya nilai jual dan akses modal ke lembaga perbankan karena ketidakmampuan mitra dalam menyusuan laporan keuangannya menjadi kendala para mitra dalam mengembangkan usahanya. Berdasarkan kondisi yang demikian, Universitas Terbuka (UT), melalui Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) melaksanakan kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan keuangan pada usaha menengah kecil mikro (UMKM) pembuatan telur asin. Sasaran kegiatan tersebut adalah komunitas pembuat telur asin di Kecamatan Pontang, Kabupaten Serang, Provinsi Banten. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah tumbuhnya pemahaman pentingnya pembuatan laporan keuangan berbasis SAK ETAP sehingga pelaku usaha pembuatan telur asin mampu mempraktikan dalam usahanya, termasuk memberikan kemudahan akses modal pada lembaga perbankan pada komunitas pembuat telur asin di kecamatan tersebut.</p> 2023-11-29T15:37:19+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## System Dynamics Usage in The Development of Sustainable Fishermen Village A Capability Enhancement to the Policy Review and Implementation Team in Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries 2023-11-30T14:59:46+07:00 Firdaus Basbeth Gusti Ayu Made Savitry Nanda Alifia Putri <p>The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) through the Biak Numfor Regency Fisheries Service, is developing Samber-Binyeri Village, as a pilot fishing village in Papua to enhance the economy. A number of issues and factors, including inadequate fishing equipment, infrastructure, availability of fuel, and a lack of knowledge and skills on fishing technology and practice, have contributed to the low income and productivity of traditional fishermen. Furthermore, poor health facilities and coastal waste management make the villages unhygienic to live in, messy, and unattractive for visitors and tourists. However, implementing new policies and management practices requires a proper understanding of current practice, culture, and its impact on its ecosystem, should the change be made. Therefore, it requires proficient teams to evaluate the current model and develop a new model that yields exemplary outcomes aligned with the objectives at minimum risk. For this reason, equipping the KKP team with knowledge related to system thinking and system dynamics is very important. A four-day' workshop in system thinking and system dynamics has been carried out in Bandung in two stages: stage one, a basic understanding of system thinking and system dynamics, and stage two, modeling optimization using Vensim software. The output of this workshop programs is:&nbsp; to define problems and dynamic hypotheses in each field or section as a basis for Sustainable development of Kampung Nelayan Maju</p> 2023-11-29T07:48:59+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Efek Brand Ambassador Terhadap Keputusan Beli Melalui Media Sosial Pond's 2023-11-30T14:59:46+07:00 Leonnard Ong <p>Persaingan semakin ketat dan meningkat pada perusahaan nasional maupun multinasional. Perusahaan perlu memberikan inovasi ide pelayanan yang baik untuk menjelaskan kebutuhan pelanggan agar dapat terus berkembang dan diikuti pasar. Industri kosmetik Indonesia tumbuh dan berkembang&nbsp; pesat menjadikan indikator peningkatan tingkat persaingan antar perusahaan, sampai saat ini data Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenprin) mencatat industry kosmetik perkiraan telah mencapai 760 lebih perusahaan di Indonesia. Persaingan yang semakin ketat membuat perusahaan menetapkan berbagai strategi untuk &nbsp;membantu memasarkan dan mempromosikan produknya. Salah satunya melalui pengunaan brand ambassador. POND’S merupakan perusahaan kosmetik yang menggunakan brand ambassador, yaitu Wendy Red Velvet asal Korea Selatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan besaran pengaruh brand ambassador melalui media sosial terhadap keputusan pembelian produk POND’S dengan &nbsp;metode kuantitatif. Temuan memperlihatkan brand ambassador dan sosial media marketing menunjukkan pengaruh kuat terhadap keputusan pembelian</p> 2023-11-29T07:50:48+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Manajemen Pasca Bencana Secara Terintegrasi: Spiritual Healing, Pengadaan Air Bersih dan MCK bagi Masyarakat terdampak Gempa Cianjur 2023-11-30T14:59:46+07:00 Amelia Naim Indrajaya Wiwiek M Daryanto Dety Nurfadilah Yulita Fairina Susanti <p>Bencana alam gempa bumi yang menimpa Cianjur menyebabkan rusaknya sendi kehidupan sebagian warga Cianjur. Infrastruktur hancur, rumah rubuh, sumber mata air menjadi kering serta terlebih adalah goncangan batin akibat kehilangan orang-orang yang dicintai. Tanggal 8 Desember 2022 tim melakukan program Manajemen Pasca Bencana melalui Focus Group Discussion dan menganalisa akar masalah utama yang harus dipecahkan dan belum tertangani dan hasilnya menunjukkan kebutuhan akan perbaikan fasilitas Mandi Cuci Kakus (WC), pembuatan sumber air bersih, serta pelaksanaan spiritual healing pada guru-guru dan masyarakat. Mulai tanggal 11 Desember 2022, tim melaksanakan pengabdian masyarakat di desa Gasol, SMK Permata Insan dan YPI Raudhatul Muttaqin. Tim mitra untuk renovasi MCK Permata Insan dan pengadaan sumber air di YPI Raudhatul Muttaqin bekerja secara simultan. Pada tanggal 14 Desember tim mengadakan pelatihan Spiritual Healing kepada guru-guru dan masyarakat di Tenda Darurat desa Gasol. Program Train of the Trainer (TOT) Spiritual Healing kemudian berlanjut secara virtual, dan peserta melakukan Spiritual Healing melalui program Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) untuk membantu korban bencana. Melalui post test dan informasi dari peserta TOT terlihat bahwa program Spiritual Healing telah terlaksana dengan baik. Pengadaan air dan perbaikan MCK juga berjalan dengan baik seperti yang terlihat pada saat Monitoring dan Evaluasi.</p> 2023-11-30T09:30:50+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Millennial and Gen Z Hotel Employees : A Basis for Management Technique Development 2023-11-30T14:59:46+07:00 Eunice Mareth Querol Areola, PhD HSG Rochelle Marri P Lao Ramoncito P Javier <p>The workforce is now composed of multi-generational employees. In the coming years, Millennials and Gen Z will dominate the labor force. The purpose of this study is to investigate the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of Millennial and Gen Z hotel employees. Understanding this future hospitality workforce is pivotal as empirical studies since both generations are known to be the “job hopper” generation. There has been a paucity in the study with regards to Gen Z hotel employees as they are still starting to penetrate the workforce. It was also the objective of this study to see whether there is a difference between Millennial and Gen Z employees in terms of their job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This study solely focused on hotel employees in Bacolod City (n = 90). The results of the study suggests Millennial and Gen Z employees are highly satisfied, and highly committed with their workplace despite of what previous studies suggest. However, the study also infers that gender of Gen Z employees shows a significant difference when it comes to job satisfaction. It is also extrapolated that employee’s job satisfaction has a strong positive relationship with their organizational commitment. This supports previous studies implying that job satisfaction is a predictor of organizational commitment.</p> 2023-11-30T14:43:10+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##